Friday, November 15, 2013

Effects of rising sea levels on costal areas

        In the wake of the December 26, 2004, tsunami that hit coastal villages and towns on base the Indian Ocean, little thought has been given to another undertaking very near at hand. The Pew Center on Global Climate Change has released a report that states due to the warming of the oceans and melting of the frosty internal-combustion engine caps, ocean levels argon expected to rise twenty centimeters by 2100 (7). Many hold not given thought to this information and its inherent ramifications. With ascension sea levels, catastrophes such as the Indian Ocean tsunami could buy the farm an everyday occurrence. The Environmental Protection Agencys response to this issue is to sack and rebuild, which could cost billions of dollars and the forfeit of many of our countrys most historical buildings to the sea. I think that with proper planning and execution, however, we set up observe our field heritage and lifestyles with a few foot measurements of protection.         The first step to protect our coastlines from the seemingly insurmountable conundrum of the sea is to parry its rise in the first place. This can be do by stark naked the emissions of ozone depleting chlorofluoro gondolabons. chlorofluorocarbons, as they have know to be known, trap the ultra violent rays emitted by the sun, turning the soil into a virtual oven (1). is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This not only melts the polar ice caps but also helps to warm the seas, thus creating higher(prenominal) sea levels as well as increased pull frequency(1). The cutting of the emission of CFCs can only come from political science convention as well as re! sidential cooperation. residential emissions can be cut down by car pooling, preservation electricity, and using more environmentally friendly materials. incorporate cooperation mate with government regulation can also legislate inefficient CFC emissions. International regulation on CFC emissions, such as the Kyoto Protocol, will cost businesses... If you want to train a full essay, order it on our website:

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