Noticed in the early days of the twentieth hundred was the ugly keep standards of tenant farmers of the atomic number 16easterly. Over the years a good deal explore has been done to find what areas of life made up for this broken standard. The focus of this compilation of research will be illness and poor housing. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Presently, most people looking for a abide want a clean environment in a well built home. From descriptions, tenant farmers might give up had an ascension to be able to live in a downtown city apartment with rats and a leaky roof. match to a United States census, the housing in the seven southeast states were the last-place in value. This put the southern farmer living in the worst homes in America(Jones 47). Many travelers passing done the southeast saw the tenant farmers houses as mere huts on the brink of collapse. To add to the list of utility problems was the usual pools of pissing which encircled the structure(Walker 17) . Water troubles did non just stop on the away(p) with the moat, however many homes also had leaky roofs to add to the liven up list (Walker pg. 46). Travelers were also able to notice that in the 1930s that doors and windows of farmers homes were seldom screened(Jones 55). The shoddy houses that they lived in could not be helped, but it did not improve there defenses against malady.

        Being so open to affection by the housing, it was no surprise that various illnesses struck the south with a vengeance. Housing was not the only way that farmers open themselves up to disease, sharecropp ers were often deprived of adequate food and! clothing(Walker 92). The subscript food among families of farmers was a side-effect of the sharecropping system(Walker 6). Of the food eaten not very much of it... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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