Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Loneliness †theme within Steinbecks ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

Loneliness is the theme Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. He describes solitude, and secluded lives of men who work on the ranch. George and Lennie who to nailher share a dream, their partnership of farming their own land. Mutually they partake in a relationship so rare, travelling so m either miles together construct independence upon one an other. Lennies loving puppy-like character has its advantages and disadvantages. His natural repose is withal considered as naivety, which in many cases leads to disaster.For instance he reverts to armed combat when he cant get his way Crashing back by means of the bush. This proves his childish qualities and immaturity. As with George who adopts a father figure role is by far more realistic, sensible and reliable. Hes independent suggesting that I could get along so easy and so nice if I didnt have you no my taillive easy and get a girl. Alone the two would not survive the cruel shipway of the initiation but together as where one lack s the other gains twist a strong companionship.We discover further information about the lonesome(a) lives of specific characters living on the ranch from chapter two onwards. Steinbeck at the antecedent of chapter two sets the scene. He illustrates the deserted spread of land of which, Lennie and George travel along crossways the ranch. They encounter an unfamiliar heart by the name of Swamper, a spunky old man who introduced them to the bunkhouse and discussed Whitey a former worker. Whitey was a blacksmith, was strangely hygienic and unploughed himself to himself.He had the tendency to dress-up level(p) when he wasnt going anywhere put on a affiliation even as the swamper exposit. He had recently quit as he had an issue with all food. This I feel shows a bread and butter of real small meaning. I cant imagine anyone who is completely execute to pick at food for the suit of just because? Gimme my time. This I come back is Steinbeck showing some evidence of solitude . A man could be so desolate that he would look to find any excuse to make out a fuss, to be handbilld. He seemed to create the excitement in which he lacked so desperately, dressing up on any occasion mathematical a reason to wake up each morningA character in the story that experiences loneliness is the swamper also known as dulcify. A friendly and elderly man, who has worked at the ranch for many years. He stays at the bunkhouse with a dog as a companion. glass and his dog are inseparable. dulcify depends on the loyal hound, and they have dual-lane many happy times together. Later on in the story, sugarcoats dog is forced to be put down for the reason that the rest of the workers disagree for the nasty and decayed mutt to be kept alive.The workers constantly complained of the redolence of the dog However, Candy and his dog were literally habituated by the hip and the stench had become unnoticeable and became part of Candy he had been around him so much I never notice ho w he stinks. This I think explains part of Candys loneliness that without his dog in that respect is a great emptiness within him. George and Lennie briefly befriended Candy after the death of the dog, proposing a chance to go into railway line together. This seems like the opportunity of a lifetime to Candy, his hope for companionship and a secure job to rely on. His destiny to find fulfilment in many think ofs has come true and will do any thing in his own power to make sure its not taken away from him.Another character that is lonely is Curlys wife an attractive woman with full rouged lips and wide spaced eyes, heavy made-up. Fingernails painted red, hair hung in little rolled clusters. She was known to be flirtatious with a bitchy personality, a terrible reputation. Curlys Wife had seen life as a disappointment failing in her lifes goals coulda been in the movies said so frequently and her shrillyness towards anyone who was happier or more successful than herself. She is found picking on those less fortunate than her as when she made the remark They left all the weak ones here, clearly it unequivocal that the comment was meant to be offensive.A reason for all this cruel demeanour may be loneliness Curlys Wife has no friends and a married man that ignores her. He never seems to be around Any you boys seen Curly? Hes usually in a hoar house or out with the guys. Although, extremely over protective of her. The ranch workers had little respect for Curlys Wife by speaking of her as something of Curlys, no importance she often feels that she is never wanted. Curlys Wife discovers Lennies desire of her in which she takes of advantage of. For erstwhile there is someone with an interest of her I get lonely I never get to talk to nobody. When Curlys wife hides behind the make or makes rude remarks it could be because shes insecure within herself, lacking authorisation so when she puts people down it makes her feel better.The character that experiences th e most loneliness is bendings also known as the Nigger.He is crippled from a change spine resulting in an odd shape figure (hunch back). He is described to have eyes deep in his head his lean face was lined with deep black wrinkles, and thin pain-tightened lips which were lighter than his face. Crooks lives alone as around the time the story was set to be in there were race issues causing discrimination, which was unfortunate for Crooks. Over the years of working in such a secluded environment Crooks seemed to have become bitter and nasty warning people away Dont come where youre not wanted. Crooks seemed to talk to no one other than Slim a real skinner he looks out for his team. Crooks reckon Slim, as he was the only one who would treat him as if he were a human being. You learn about Crooks when Lennie approaches him in his bunk.At showtime he is completely against the idea and tries to worry Lennie with the thought that George maybe infract or unable to come back Spose he g ets killed, or abide so much, he cant come home. This was poof of Crooks evil way of thinking leaving Lennies mentality running crazy but he shortly reassures him saying he will come back, no need to worry. We discover later that Crooks lived a happy childhood playing with the white kids from next door. He also had close relationships with his brothers. It was later on in life that the harsh world ended up him living such a lonely life. He is self-conscious, believing no one to ever like him so when he meets Lennie and discovers he actually takes interest in him, he is shocked and even suggest to help in the assistance of the business between George, Candy and Lennie when he over here the discussion between the three.