Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Night World : Black Dawn Chapter 5
Maggie woke slowly.And painfully.I must be sick, she conception. It was the only write up for the way she mat up. Her bodywas heavy and achy, her head was throbbing, and her sinuseswere completely stuffed up. She was brea liaison by dint of her mouth, which was so dry and glueythat her tongue stuck to the roof of it.I was having a dream, she thought. plainly dismantle asshe delveed at bits of it,, it dissolved. Something almost fog? And a boy.It seemed vaguely important for her to remember, but counterbalance the importance was hard to keep holdof. Besides, an opposite, to a greater extent practical considerationwas every(prenominal) overriding it. Thirst. She was end of thirst.I need a glass of water.It took a amazing effort to lift her head and open her eye. exclusively when she did, her brain clear fast. She wasnt in her level fashion. She was in asm every(prenominal), dark, smelly room a room that was touching jerkily, bouncing her painfully up and down andfrom s ide to side. Thither was a rhythmic noise com ing from rightful(prenominal) outside that she tangle she should be adequate to(p) to recognize.Below her cheek and under her fingers was theroughness of unpainted wood. The ceiling andwalls were made of the same silvery, weatheredboards.What kind of room is small and made of woodandNot a room, she thought suddenly. A vehicle. Some kind of wooden cart.As soon as she realized it, she knew what therhythmic sound was.Horses hoofs.No, it washbowlt be, she thought. Its too bizarre. I am sick Im plausibly hallucinating.But it felt incredibly real for a hallucination. Itfelt exactlyasif she were in a wooden cart beingdrawn by horses. Over rough ground. Which ex plained all the jostling.So what was spill on?What was she doinghere?Where did I go to sleep? entirely at once adrenaline surged d atomic number 53 her-andwith it a flash of memory. Sylvia. The exasperate Miles.Miles is dead no. Hes not. Sylvia express thatbut she was duplicit y. And consequently she said Id never findout what happened to him. And and so she druggedme with that smoke.It gave Maggie a faint feeling of sitisfaction to shake up put this much to redeemher. point if everythingelse was completely confusing, she had a solidmemory to hang on to.You woke up, a voice said. Finally. This kid verifys youve been drowsy for a day and a half.Maggie pushed herself up by stages until shecould see the speaker. It was a girl with untidy red hair, an angular, intense vitrine, and flat, hard eye.She seemed to be active Maggies age. Beside her was a younger girl, possibly nine or ten. She was very pretty, slight, with brief blond hair under ared plaid baseball cap. She looked browbeated.Who are you? Maggie said indistinctly. Hertongue was thick-she was so thirsty.Where amI? Whats going on?Huh. Youll find out, the redhaired girl said.Maggie looked around. There was a fourth girl inthe cart, curled up in the corner with her eyes shut.Maggie felt stupid and slow, but she tried togather herself.What do you mean Ive been slumberous for a day and a half?The redhaired girl shrugged. Thats what shesaid. I wouldnt k instantly. They unspoiled picked me up afew hours ago. I almost made it out of this place, but they caughtme.Maggie stared at her. There was a fresh bruiseon one of the girls angular cheekbones and her lipwas swollen.Whatplace? she said slowly. When nobodyanswered, she went on, Look. Im Maggie Neely. I dont know where this is or what Im doing here,but the last thing I remember is a girl charged Sylviaknocking me out. Sylvia Weald. Do you guysknow her?The redhead just stared back with narrowedgreen eyes. The girl lying down didnt stir, and theblond kid in the plaid cap cringed.Come on, person talk to meYou really doe t know whats going on? the redhaired girl said.If I knew, I wouldnt be asking over and overThe girl eyed her a indorsement, accordingly spoke with akind of vindictive pleasure. Youve been interchange into slavery. You re a slave now.Maggie laughed.It was a short involuntary sound, and it hurt heraching head. The blond kid flinched again. Something in her expression made Maggies grin fadeaway. .She felt a cold ripple up her spine.Come on, she said. Give me a break. Therearent slaves anymoreThere are here. The redhead smiledagain,nastily. But I depend you dont know whereyouare, either.In Washington State- Even as she said it,Maggie felt her stomach tighten.Wrong. Or right, but it doesnt matter. Technically we may be in Washington, but where we really are is hell.Maggie was losing her self control. What are you talkingabout?Take a look through that crack.There were often of cracks in the cart the palelight that filtered through them was the only illumi nation. Maggie knelt up and put her eye to a big one, nictation and squinting.At first she couldnt see much. The cart wasbouncing and it was hard to determine what shewas feeling at. All she knew was that there seemedto be no color. Everything was either phosphorescent discolor or dead grisly.Gradually she realized that the white was an overcast sky, and the black was a mountain. A big mountain, close enough to smack her face against. It reared up haughtily against the sky, its lowerreaches finish uped with trees that seemed ebony instead of green and liquid with obscure. Its abstract wascompletely wreathed in clouds there was no way to judge how gritty it was.And beside it was another mountain just equal it.Maggie shifted, trying to formulate a wider view. Therewere mountains everywhere, in an impenetrablering surrounding her.They were scary.Maggie knew mountains, and loved them, butthese were different from any shed ever seen. So cold, and with that haunted mist creeping everywhere. The place seemed to be full of ghosts, materializing and then disappearing with an almostaudible wail.It was standardized another homo.Maggie sat down hard, then slowly turned backto look at the redheaded girl.Where is this? she said, and her voice was almost a verbalise.To her surprise, the girl didnt laugh maliciouslyagain. Instead she looked away, with eyes thatseemed to focus on rough(a) distant and terrible memory, and she spoke in almost a whisper herself. Its the most secret place in the Night World.Maggie felt as if the mist outside had reached down the back of her pajama top.The what?The Night World. Its like an organization. For all of them, youknow. When Maggie just looked at her, she went on, Them. The ones that arent human.This time what Maggie felt was a plunging in her stomach, and she honestly didnt know if it was because she was locked up in here with a loony, or if some part of her already accepted what the loony was face. Either way, she was scared sick, and she couldnt say anything.The girl with red hair flicked a glance at her, and the malicious pleasure came back. The vampires, she said distinctly, and the shapeshifters and the witches Oh, God, Maggie thought. Sylvia.Sylv ia is a witch.She didnt know how she knew and probably part of her didnt confide it anyway, but the word was thundering around inside her like an avalanche, meeting place evidence as it fell. The incense, those strange purple eyes, the way Miles fell for her so fast and hardly ever called the family after he met her, and changed his strong personality, just as if hed been under a spell, bewitched and helpless, and, oh, Miles, why didnt I supposition.Im not smart, but Ive constantly been a good judge of character. How could I screw up when it counted?They dont normally shoot places of their own,the redheaded girl was going on and the wordswere somehow finding their way to Maggies earsdespite the chaos going on inside her. Mostly theyjust live in ourcities, pretending to be like us. Butthis valley is special its been here in the Cascades for centuries and humans have never found it. Its all surrounded by spells and fogand those moun tains. Theres a come through them, big enough forcarts, but only the Night raft can see it. Itscalled the Dark Kingdom.Oh, terrific,Maggie thought numbly. The namewas strangely suited to what shed seen outside. sensationalistic sunlight was almost impossible to imagine in this place. Those filmy wraiths of mist held it ina shimmering silvery-white spell.And youre trying to say that were all slaves now? But how did you guys get here?When the redhead didnt answer, she looked atthe little blond girl.The girl shifted her slight body, gulped. Finallyshe spoke in a husky little voice.Im P.J. Penobscot. I was-it happened to meon Halloween. I was trick-or-treating. She looked down at herself and Maggie realized she was wearing a tan cable-knit sweater and a vest. I was agolfer. And I was only supposed to go on my ownblock because the weather was acquire bad. But myfriend Aaron and I went across the street and thiscar stopped in strawman ofme.She trailed off andswallowed hard.Maggie reached over and squeezed her hand. I bet you were a great golfer.P.J. smiled wanly. Thanks. and so her small face hardened and her eyes became distant. Aaron got away, but this man grabbed me. I tried to hit him with my golf club, but he took it away. He lookedat me and then he put me in the car. He wasstrong.He was a skipper slave trader, the redhaired girl said. Both the guys Ive seen are pros.Thats why they looked at her face-they use uppretty slaves when they can get them.Maggie stared at her, then turned to P.J. Andthen what?They put something over my face-I was lightenfighting and shout and everything-and then Iwent to sleep for a while. I woke up in this storage warehouse place. She breathed once and looked at herthin wrists. I was chained to a bed and I was all altogether. I was alone for a while. And then, maybe itwas the next day, they brought in her.She noddedat the girl sleeping in the corner.Maggie looked at the still form. It didnt moveexcept when the cart shake it. Is she all right?Shes sick. They left her th ere for a long time, maybe four days, but she never really woke up. Ithink shes getting worse. P.J.s voice was unflurried and detached. They came in to give us food, but that was all. And then yesterday they brought you in.Maggie blinked. To the warehouse.P.J. nodded solemnly. You were asleep, too. But I dont know what happened after that. They putthe cloth over my face again. When I woke up Iwas in a van.They use those for transport on the other side,the redhaired girl said. To get up to the pass. indeed they switch to a cart. The hoi polloi in this valleyhave never seen a car.So you mean I slept through all that? Maggieasked P.J.P.J. nodded again, and the redhead said, Theyprobably gave you more of the drug. They try to keep everybody too drug up to fight.Maggie was chewing her lip. Something had occurred to her. Maybe Sylvia hadnt gone climbingwith Miles at all. So, PJ., you never precept any other slaves besides that girl? You didnt see a boy? She fished in her jacket pocket and pulled out the photoof Miles. A boy who looked like this?P.J. looked at the hit gravely, then shookher head. I never saw him before. He looks likeyou.Hes my brother, Miles. He disappeared on Halloween, too. I thought maybe .Maggie shookher head, then held the photograph toward the redhaired girl.Never seen him before, the girl said shortly.Maggie looked at her. For somebody who likedto talk about scary things, she didnt say much thatwas helpful. And what about you? Howd you gethere?The girl snorted. I told you. I was getting outofthe valley. Her face tightened. And I almost madeit through the pass, but they caught me and stuckme in here. I should have made them kill me instead.Whoa, Maggie said. She glanced at Pi., meaning that they shouldnt frighten her unnecessarily.It cant be that bad.To her surprise, the girl didnt sneer or get mad.Its worse, she said, almost speak again.Just leave it alone. You l find out.Maggie felt the hair at the back of her neck stir. What are you sa ying?The girl turned, her green eyes burning darkly.The Night People have to eat, she said. They caneat normal things, food and water. But the vampires have to drink blood and the shapeshiftershave to eat flesh. Is that clear enough for you?Maggie sat frozen. She wasnt worried aboutscaring P.J. anymore. She was too scared herself.Were slave labor for them, but were likewise a foodsupply. A food supply that lasts a long time,through lots of feedings, the girl said brusquely.Maggie ducked her head and clenched her fists.Well, then, obviously weve got to escape, she said through her teeth.The redhead gave a laugh so bitter that Maggiefelt a thrill down her spine.She looked at P.J. Do you postulate to escape?Leave her alone the redhead snapped. You,dont understand what youre talking about. Wereonly humans theyre Night People. Theres nothingwe can do against them, nothingBUt 2)Do you know what the Night People do to slaveswho try to escape?And then the redhaired girl turned her back onMaggie. She did it with a lithe twist that left Maggie startled.Did I hurt her feelings? Maggie thought stupidly.The redhead glanced back over her shoulder, atthe same time reaching around to grasp the bottomof her shirt in back.Her expression was unreadable, but suddenlyMaggie was nervous.What are you doing?The redhaired girl gave a strange little smile andpulled the shirt up, exposing her back.Somebody had been playing tick-tack-toe there.The lines were cut into the flesh of her back, thescars glassed pink and only half healed. In thesquares were Xs and Os, raggedy-looking andbrighter red because for the most part theyd beenburned in. A few looked cut, like the strategic posi tion in the middle which would have been takenfirst. Somebody had won, three diagonal Xs, and had unfreeze a burn-line through the winning marks.Maggie gasped. She kept on gasping. She started to hyperventilate, and then she started to faint.The world seemed to recede from her, narrowingdown to a one-dim ensional point of light. But there wasnt room to actually fall over. As she slumpedbackward, she hit the wall of the cart. The world wobbled and came back, shiny at the edges.Oh, God, Maggie said. Oh, God.They did thisto you? How could they dothat?This is nothing, the girl said. They did it whenI get away the first time. And now I escaped againand I got caught again. This time theyll do something worse. She let go of her top and it slid downto cover her back again.Maggie tried to swallow, but her mouth was toodry. Before she knew she was moving, she foundherself grabbing the girls arms from behind.Whats your name?Who ca-Whats your name?The redhaired girl gave her a peculiar look over her shoulder. Then her arms lifted slightly under Maggies handsas she shrugged.Jeanne.Jeanne. Its got to stop, Maggie said. We cant let them dothings like that to people. And wevegot to get away. If theyre already going to punishyou for escaping, what difference does it make ifyou try it again now? Don t you think?Maggie liked the way that sounded, calm andcompetent and logical. The swift decision for ac tion didnt blot out the memory of what shed just seen, but it made the whole situation more bearable. Shed witnessed an injustice and she wasgoing to do something about it. That simple. Something so pissed had to be fixed, now.She started to cry.Jeanne turned around, gave her a long, assessinglook. P.J. was crying, too, very quietly.Maggie found her tears lead out. Theywerent doing any good. When she stopped, Jeanne was still watching her with narrowed eyes.So youre going to take on the whole NightWorld alone, she said.Maggie wiped her cheeks with her hands. No,just the ones here.Jeanne stared at her another moment, thenstraightened abruptly. Okay, she said, so suddenly that Maggie was startled. Lets do it. If wecan figure out a way.Maggie looked toward the back of the cart.What about those doors?Locked and chained on the outside. Its no goodkicking them.From nowhere, an image c ame into Maggiesmind. Herself and Miles in a rowboat on Lake Chelan with their grandfather. advisedly rocking it while their grandfather yelled and fumed.What if we all throw our weight from one sideto the other? If we could turn the cart over, maybethe doors would pop open. You know how armored cars always seem to do that. Or maybe it wouldsmash one of the walls enough that we could getout.And maybe wed go falling straight down a ravine, Jeanne said acidly. Its a long way down to the valley, and this road is narrow. But there wasa genuine unwilling respect in her eyes. I guess wecould try it when we get to a meadow, she said slowly. I know a place. Im not saying it would work it probably wont. But We have totry, Maggie said. She was lookingstraight at Jeanne. For a moment there was something between them-a flash of understanding andagreement. A bond.Once we got out, wed have to run, Jeanne said,still slowly. Theyre sitting up there. She pointedto the ceiling at the front of the c art, above Maggies head. This thing is like a stagecoach, okay?Theres a seat up there, and the twain guys are onit. Professional slave traders are tough. Theyre not going to want us to get away.They might get smashed up when we lift over,Maggie said.Jeanne shook her head sharply. Night People arestrong. It takes a lot more than that tokill them.Wed have to just take off and head for the forestas fast as we could. Our only chance is to get lostin the trees-and hope they cant compensate us.Okay, Maggie said. She looked at P.J. Do youthink you could do that? Just run and keeprunning?P.J. gulped twice, sank her teeth into her top lip, and nodded. She twisted her baseball cap around so the visor face up the back.I can run, she said.Maggie gave heranapproving nod. Then shelooked at the fourth girl, the one still curled upasleep. She leaned over to touch the girls shoulder.Forget it, Jeanne said shortly. We cant takeher.Maggie looked up at her, shocked. What are youtalking about? Why n ot?